

The day started bright and early with breakfast at 7am. I had scrambled eggs and some salad and a bowl of crazy cereal that's every different kind of colour you could imagine. Probably not the healthiest but certainly tasty and delicious. I pulled my Green Chultzah over my head and steadied my breath for a whole day of leading sixteen year old's, something I have never really done before and not by myself. 4

We started the day by herding 200 British and American teenagers to the big field where we we split them into groups and proceeded to run the activity that we had prepared for the day. e planned to run activities and discussions but I soon discovered that the kids wanted to talk to each other and so after running a few get to know yu games we split the smaller group into a few more smaller groups and gave them a few topics to discuss. Family, Religion, Politics, all on a really simple level.

After lunch we had our Go On Shnat peulah which is the only real reason we were there I think, where we sang a song we had written and showed them a slide show of how much fun they would have on shnat. We wanted them to ask questions but they didn't really, but thats okay.

By the end of the day I was so ready for them to go home and take their bratty-tness with them and I was so hot and uncomfortable I just waned to get on the air conditioned bus and go home.