- Rooibos Tea.
- Amarula.
- More Rooibos...
- KitKat!
- Areo.
- Minni Marie Biscuits.
- A Ma'amad Booklet.
- Benching Sheets.
- Top Deck and Dairy Milk Milk Chocolate.
- More Rooibos...
- Millie Pap! :D
Something South African
The First Day (In Order Of Appearence)
The Mom of the Office:
Every time I go there she offers me coffee or tea and makes sure that Im super comfortable and that I feel welcome. She has short, thin, dirty blond hair and works in an office just off the main hall.
Fire-y Red Hair:
She's my favorite person to ask things. She sits at the front desk in the main hall and is almost always on the phone to someone. She wears sunglasses and paints her nails when the phone isn't ringing.
The Nerdy Girl:
She only says hello and goodbye to me, but today I heard her repatedly use the word "Stuiot". I guess they think I can't understand as much as I can...
Imbal the Queen:
A girl, her dark brown hair pulled back into a high pony tail with a libra tattoo on her back greeted me with about 8 boxes of crisp white envelopes. She is bubbly and cheery and I feel as though if I could understand what she was saying, or if either one of us could speak more of the others language we would get along swimmingly. Sometimes when I catch glimpses of her and can kindof understand mannerisms and not words, I can see that she's just a little bit like me.
The Israeli Spielberg:
She is tall. She has short dark hair, curling just under her chin. She wears a gold braclet on her right arm. She wore a bright orange/peach shirt that popped into a million different kinds of bright against her dark, tanned skin. She was just released from the army, and used to be a part of the education unit making movies to promote the IDF and how one should behave whilst one donnes the uniform. She told me about her passion and love for movies and how she will soon move to Tel Aviv to start her career, having already got her degree. Sha talked a lot.
Half Asleep in Haifa
The bus ride was a blur from Karmiel to Haifah, I fell asleep with my head resting on my arm the sun streaming through the dirty window of the bus.
Groggily I got off the bus in a city I haven't actually had much chance to explore. It was hot, but there was a slightly cooler breeze in the air, We caught another bus to Yafo Street where we met Gal and he walked us the the Hashomer Hatzaier house.
Up four flights of stairs and we were on the second to top floor of their building. Their living situatiopn is slightly odd, so one tries not to spend too much time thinking about how they do it. They all sleep in one room down the hall way from their other flat where they have a balcony, a few couches and a kitchen.
The nights plans were to go to ultrasound, the biggest club in Israel. I ended up not going, but rather hanging out in their apartment with a few other losers who don't like partying.
The balcony was warm even though it had been a good few hours since the sun had gone down. We all squeezed into the small balcony that, if you caught it at the right angle you could see a little bit of the view. There was an incesent drip from the leaking air conditioner. I sat on the chair on the right hand side with the Aussies on the couch. We sat there for a while, discussions flowing easily, as though they were smoke through a pipe, between the people that would come and go, the swing of the door a frequent occurrence, becoming a familiar movement among us. A flurry of words t6hat sounded as though they were one word instead of a few sentences kept us on our toes.
High Lights:
Groggily I got off the bus in a city I haven't actually had much chance to explore. It was hot, but there was a slightly cooler breeze in the air, We caught another bus to Yafo Street where we met Gal and he walked us the the Hashomer Hatzaier house.
Up four flights of stairs and we were on the second to top floor of their building. Their living situatiopn is slightly odd, so one tries not to spend too much time thinking about how they do it. They all sleep in one room down the hall way from their other flat where they have a balcony, a few couches and a kitchen.
The nights plans were to go to ultrasound, the biggest club in Israel. I ended up not going, but rather hanging out in their apartment with a few other losers who don't like partying.
The balcony was warm even though it had been a good few hours since the sun had gone down. We all squeezed into the small balcony that, if you caught it at the right angle you could see a little bit of the view. There was an incesent drip from the leaking air conditioner. I sat on the chair on the right hand side with the Aussies on the couch. We sat there for a while, discussions flowing easily, as though they were smoke through a pipe, between the people that would come and go, the swing of the door a frequent occurrence, becoming a familiar movement among us. A flurry of words t6hat sounded as though they were one word instead of a few sentences kept us on our toes.
High Lights:
- Jacob broke a table
- Jacob threw a cash register off the first floor of Ultrasound
- Some girl ended up at the hospital
- Jordan stole Liz's box of cigarettes
- Bin probably hooked up with someone
- Jordan and Nitzan nearly got into a flight
You gotta love New Zealanders who say "sixsixty".
An unplanned night of Sushi and Pokemon ended in these beautiful master pieces that tasted almost as good as Rainbow.
Devoid of Emotion
sad angry tired homesick hungry excited upset sleepy alone hateful annoyed angry eustatic happy useless weird exasperated tire unenthusiastic hot tired overworked confused unexcited scared embarrassed angry dejected enthused happy laughable sore ouch ancient useless unwanted hopeful speechless happy thankful good bad uncomfortable fat sleepy tired wanted free comfortable comforted awkward satisfied weird misunderstood bored indifferent in-tune out of the loop shocked high outsider unwanted successful intuitive bubbly entertained loud inquisitive ironic fed-up creative inclined clean dirty exhausted over tired thinkable talkative playful energised stupid un-comprehensive stunned sad depressed morbid hateful hurtful angry death snide sly spied indifferent hurt pain sore head-achy wrong trippin' small insignificant useless dreamy looser lost social understood actual philosophical different left out lazy easy lucky liberated fortunate acknowledged understanding great playful calm confident gay courageous peaceful reliable joyous energetic at-ease easy lucky liberated comfortable amazed fortunate optimistic pleased free delighted provocative encouraged sympathetic overjoyed impulsive clever interested gleeful free surprised satisfied thankful frisk content receptive important animated quiet accepting festive spirited certain kind ecstatic thrilled relaxed satisfied wonderful serene glad free and easy cheerful bright sunny blessed merry reassured elated jubilant loving concerned eager impulsive considerate affected keen free affectionate fascinated earnest sure sensitive intrigued intent certain tender absorbed anxious rebellious devoted inquisitive inspired unique attracted nosy determined dynamic passionate snoopy excited tenacious admiration engrossed enthusiastic hardy warm curious bold secure touched brave sympathy daring close challenged loved optimistic comforted re-enforced drawn toward confident hopeful irritated lousy upsetin capable enraged disappointed doubtful alone hostile discouraged uncertain paralyzed insulting ashamed indecisive fatigued sore powerless perplexed useles annoyed diminished embarrassed inferior upset guilty hesitant vulnerable hateful dissatisfied shy empty unpleasant miserable stupefied forced offensive detestable disillusioned hesitant bitter repugnant unbelieving despair aggressive despicable skeptical frustrated resentful disgusting distrustful distresse abominable misgiving woeful provoked terrible lost pathetic incensed in despair unsure tragic infuriated sulky uneasy in a stew cross bad pessimistic dominated worked up a sense of loss tense boiling fuming indignant insensitive fearful crushed tearful dull terrified tormented sorrowful nonchalant suspicious deprived pained neutral anxious pained grief reserved alarmed tortured anguish weary panic dejected desolate bored nervous rejected desperate preoccupied scared injured pessimistic cold worried offended unhappy disinterested frightened afflicted lonely lifeless timid aching grieved shaky victimized mournful restless heartbroken dismayed doubtful agonized threatened appalled cowardly humiliated quaking wronged menaced alienated wary
Filling Up Shot Plants
In the heat of the green house, the cool water that runs from the pipe grasped tigtly between my finger a few odd thoughts occur:
- These plants could be shot glasses
- They are like are mini swimming pools for insects.
- This is such a great life skill, watering plants.
- That's a weed. How did it get so big? Wait, is that the plant?
- "Call me maybe..."
- I could write songs.
- Get ma swag on.
My first Jam Session
It was a breezy night on the roof and I played guitar while people sang and we all smoked hubbly and it was beautiful!
Ghost Family
Friday the 13th July
Seeing as I'm no longer going to England I have to "Get Settled" as it were.
Last night I went through my second awkward Host Family Experience where I found myself sitting in a super fancy living room, of my new host family, pretending to read the newspaper. I sat there for a few minutes being hopelessly lost before the littlest of the four siblings, Sicha, came and sat next to me.
She has long dark hair pulled back into a high pony tail and for an eleven year old she speaks amazingly good English. She was basically the only person that I spoke to the entire night. She does Ball Room dancing and likes to read and watch movies. She gave me a tour of the house and then we sat on the rickity old swing set, outside.We were waiting for the other 90 people that were expected to arrive at the extravagant Birthday Party/Dinner of their Grand Father to arrive.
After a while her older sister, who is around my age, arrived and showed me to the buffet table where I helped myself to a few salads and sat at the kiddies table, still not speaking to anyone.
It wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable and i wanted nothing more than to be at home in the flat having a party with Lips, Jade, Liz and Sophie.
Welcome to Jade's Drunk Karmi'el Flat!
Saturday 14 July
The house was trashed this morning.
Today was a day for productivity! I cleaned the kitchen with jade, doing all the dishes until I cut my hand rather badly on a broken mug and cleaned the floors. There is no longer a pile of rando stuff in the corner and you can walk around with out stepping over peoples random stuff.
The rest of the afternoon I spent drawing the new Karmile merch and eating avocados.
Seeing as I'm no longer going to England I have to "Get Settled" as it were.
Last night I went through my second awkward Host Family Experience where I found myself sitting in a super fancy living room, of my new host family, pretending to read the newspaper. I sat there for a few minutes being hopelessly lost before the littlest of the four siblings, Sicha, came and sat next to me.
She has long dark hair pulled back into a high pony tail and for an eleven year old she speaks amazingly good English. She was basically the only person that I spoke to the entire night. She does Ball Room dancing and likes to read and watch movies. She gave me a tour of the house and then we sat on the rickity old swing set, outside.We were waiting for the other 90 people that were expected to arrive at the extravagant Birthday Party/Dinner of their Grand Father to arrive.
After a while her older sister, who is around my age, arrived and showed me to the buffet table where I helped myself to a few salads and sat at the kiddies table, still not speaking to anyone.
It wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable and i wanted nothing more than to be at home in the flat having a party with Lips, Jade, Liz and Sophie.
Welcome to Jade's Drunk Karmi'el Flat!
Saturday 14 July
The house was trashed this morning.
Today was a day for productivity! I cleaned the kitchen with jade, doing all the dishes until I cut my hand rather badly on a broken mug and cleaned the floors. There is no longer a pile of rando stuff in the corner and you can walk around with out stepping over peoples random stuff.
The rest of the afternoon I spent drawing the new Karmile merch and eating avocados.
8 July - 12 July 2012
Wake Up 6:50
Volunteer 8:00 to 12:30
Watch How I Met You Mother 13:00 to 19:00
Play Guitar 19:30 to 21:00
Dinner 21:00 to 22:00
Play more Guitar 22:00 to 23:30
Watch mor How I met Your Mother 23:30 to 00:00
Sleep 00:00
Wake Up 6:50
Volunteer 8:00 to 12:30
Watch How I Met You Mother 13:00 to 19:00
Play Guitar 19:30 to 21:00
Dinner 21:00 to 22:00
Play more Guitar 22:00 to 23:30
Watch mor How I met Your Mother 23:30 to 00:00
Sleep 00:00
Shabbat Shalom
Friday 6 July 2012
The precarious trip up to the roof is one that we've made quite a few times since arriving in karmiel. We've all become experts at avoiding the several potted plants and the bicycles at the foot of the ladder and have mastered the art of passing hubbly's, candles, guitars and many more things that would make the roof a lovely place for a chilled Shabbat Service or a jam session between friends, up and down again. What we haven't managed to do yet, is not walk into the pipe that blocks the path from the ladder to the area we sit in.
That night Liz and I made our way up to the roof for a Shabbat Service and a few glasses of wine.
Saturday 7 July
Lily and Gal were back from Haifa, so the day was filled with guitars and a surprise visit from Rina. She invited us down to her sisters apartment and we joined them for a Havdallah in their living room. Rina played the ukulele while I shook some shakers and we all sang and said the blessings over wine, spices and the candles, wishing each other a good week.
The precarious trip up to the roof is one that we've made quite a few times since arriving in karmiel. We've all become experts at avoiding the several potted plants and the bicycles at the foot of the ladder and have mastered the art of passing hubbly's, candles, guitars and many more things that would make the roof a lovely place for a chilled Shabbat Service or a jam session between friends, up and down again. What we haven't managed to do yet, is not walk into the pipe that blocks the path from the ladder to the area we sit in.
That night Liz and I made our way up to the roof for a Shabbat Service and a few glasses of wine.
Saturday 7 July
Lily and Gal were back from Haifa, so the day was filled with guitars and a surprise visit from Rina. She invited us down to her sisters apartment and we joined them for a Havdallah in their living room. Rina played the ukulele while I shook some shakers and we all sang and said the blessings over wine, spices and the candles, wishing each other a good week.
Wednesday 4 July
Two large busses filled with 16 year old Americans.
Two Israelie Madrichim who looked as though they hated every minte of their days.
One American Princess who I suppose was trying to lead this group but failing.
A British Guy who knew about as much as we did when it came to the real point of: Why are we here.
and Four Shnatties who just wanted to go home.
Minor Characters:
That guy who carried around the American Flag all day.
That girl who wanted to play Super Star
The fruit man.
A peulah about the importance of the IDF.
A tour of an Army Base, complete with a Q&A session.
A trip to an Army Memorial, with no explanation of what it was comemorating.
Lunch where there was only carbohydrates.
River Rafting where it seemed like the whole point was to tip each others boats over.
Two large busses filled with 16 year old Americans.
Two Israelie Madrichim who looked as though they hated every minte of their days.
One American Princess who I suppose was trying to lead this group but failing.
A British Guy who knew about as much as we did when it came to the real point of: Why are we here.
and Four Shnatties who just wanted to go home.
Minor Characters:
That guy who carried around the American Flag all day.
That girl who wanted to play Super Star
The fruit man.
A peulah about the importance of the IDF.
A tour of an Army Base, complete with a Q&A session.
A trip to an Army Memorial, with no explanation of what it was comemorating.
Lunch where there was only carbohydrates.
River Rafting where it seemed like the whole point was to tip each others boats over.
Tuesday 3 July
Walking down the road in the busy streets of Tel Aviv I got quite a few stares with my Star Spangled Banner high waisted shorts. They were odd and out of the ordinary. It was hot. I got off the train at the central station and made my way down to the bus stop where I knew I had to catch the number 16 shirut to take me to Ben Yehudah Street. In the shirut I sat in the front seat ont he left hand side and stared out the window, wondering what the outcome of today would be. I couldn't help the small bubble of excitement, forming in the pit of my stomach. There was a lot of traffic that day and the sound of cars hooting and bus drivers yelling at each other through open windows was deafening. I tried to relax but I couldn't. I reached my stop and quickly made my way through the front door, up to the sixth floor and through the metal detectors with no hassles. I sat down in the all too familiar, grey chair, in the chilly Visa office that seemed too big for its purpose and looked through the clear glass that separated the thin woman from myself.
"I suppose you know your visa has been denied"
I shook my head. Shock. A little part of my soul died.
The rest of the day is a numb blur of my dreams being crushed in front of me, a spicy Bus Station Falafel and a bar of Cow Chocolate on the train ride home.
I stared through the dirty window of the train at the landscapes speeding past as if they were only a figment of my imagination. I listened intently to the words that the Ethiopian lady was saying to her friend who was sat across from her. They tumbled out of her mouth like a whisper, a song without a melody. Her skin was smooth and the fading light hit it at just the right angle making it shine as though she was the sun and the light from inside her was illuminating the world around her.
The train rolled to a halt and she left.
Walking down the road in the busy streets of Tel Aviv I got quite a few stares with my Star Spangled Banner high waisted shorts. They were odd and out of the ordinary. It was hot. I got off the train at the central station and made my way down to the bus stop where I knew I had to catch the number 16 shirut to take me to Ben Yehudah Street. In the shirut I sat in the front seat ont he left hand side and stared out the window, wondering what the outcome of today would be. I couldn't help the small bubble of excitement, forming in the pit of my stomach. There was a lot of traffic that day and the sound of cars hooting and bus drivers yelling at each other through open windows was deafening. I tried to relax but I couldn't. I reached my stop and quickly made my way through the front door, up to the sixth floor and through the metal detectors with no hassles. I sat down in the all too familiar, grey chair, in the chilly Visa office that seemed too big for its purpose and looked through the clear glass that separated the thin woman from myself.
"I suppose you know your visa has been denied"
I shook my head. Shock. A little part of my soul died.
The rest of the day is a numb blur of my dreams being crushed in front of me, a spicy Bus Station Falafel and a bar of Cow Chocolate on the train ride home.
I stared through the dirty window of the train at the landscapes speeding past as if they were only a figment of my imagination. I listened intently to the words that the Ethiopian lady was saying to her friend who was sat across from her. They tumbled out of her mouth like a whisper, a song without a melody. Her skin was smooth and the fading light hit it at just the right angle making it shine as though she was the sun and the light from inside her was illuminating the world around her.
The train rolled to a halt and she left.
Minor Characters of Shnat
Tune of Wagon Wheel:
Heading up North to the land of the free
Then head East to the land of tea
Don't forget Germany the land of the Nazi
and Spain!
Emily Kay she takes the dick, she talks so fast it makes us sick, Heeey Em articulate.
Hey Dan Rattan you are a German, half the time when you talk we don’t understand, Heeey fluffy Dan. LOL at your hand.
Hey Dan Aron, could have sworn you were Ben, you’re really skilled with your pen, Nooo plates for sandwhiches.
Naomi Segal would you like some granola? Ask some of your friends they live all over. Seee you at the Tayelet
Benjy boy always has his hands down his pants, you have such a centrist stance. America… FUCK YEAH
Alyson we all love your cookies, you are full of eccentricities. Whhhy is it so hot in here?
Ben you’re always reading but you cant really hear, why are we singing if youre deaf in one ear? Bennn can you hear us? Bennn where’s your kindle?
Jemma you can’t feel your teeny tiny toes because you were blessed with compartment syndrome. Jemmmma, make Aliyah..
Jeff you don’t really know what Netzer is but our Reform madricha always makes us jizz. Joinnn Project 6 million… dot org!
Hey Ruthie Schnitt you really like cows but not as much as you like to empty your bowls. Admit ittt, you’re not from Canada.
Abby you can sing, you can act, you can dance. You wana live in Spain and you wana live in France. Whhhhy are you still skinny?
Tara started on Machon then moved to Etgar, you fell in love with a bunny called Teva. Tara Dina Dein. For Shabbat you’re always keen.
Jess on the first day you fed us Sardines, we all know you pooed on the bus in your jeans. Andy’s… guna miss ya!
Rebekkah Karp you’re always making merch, you drop your phone so much it hurts. Where the fuck is Colfax?
Ariel soccer is your favourite game, without you sophie’s bed wouldn’t be the same. Paassss, the fucking joint.
Becca I can’t believe you got with shmuely. You really are a bleeding liberal heart girly. Beeeccca… Rockville Maryland.
Noa you get drunk and feel really fine get your own Tnua Geeet your ham out of our fridge!
Jake you like hummus but you don’t like falafel, it always causes hummus ben sira a kerfuffle. Aiin’t no rest for the wicked.
Naomi you lost your pink guitar the other day, we’re glad it came back so now you can play. Pleaassee… wash your dildo. Play… Hashkiveinu
Tune of Hashkiveinu:
Now its time to say goodbye.
We know its sad but please try not to cry
The last four months have been alright, we guess, average at best.
You know that we’ve learnt a lot from you.
Go back and do what you northerners doooooo.
Shnat Netzer will take you far
Spent a year experiencing hagshama..
Ups and downs through the year.
Hold your memories dear.
To tell you the truth, we were all really scared.
But seeing you get through it,
We now feel prepared.
Goodbye Shnatties, we’ll miss you the most.
Our hearts will follow you from Coast to Coast.
Its great to see how you have learnt and grown.
Please don’t go home.
Please don’t go home.
Please don’t go home.
Heading up North to the land of the free
Then head East to the land of tea
Don't forget Germany the land of the Nazi
and Spain!
Emily Kay she takes the dick, she talks so fast it makes us sick, Heeey Em articulate.
Hey Dan Rattan you are a German, half the time when you talk we don’t understand, Heeey fluffy Dan. LOL at your hand.
Hey Dan Aron, could have sworn you were Ben, you’re really skilled with your pen, Nooo plates for sandwhiches.
Naomi Segal would you like some granola? Ask some of your friends they live all over. Seee you at the Tayelet
Benjy boy always has his hands down his pants, you have such a centrist stance. America… FUCK YEAH
Alyson we all love your cookies, you are full of eccentricities. Whhhy is it so hot in here?
Ben you’re always reading but you cant really hear, why are we singing if youre deaf in one ear? Bennn can you hear us? Bennn where’s your kindle?
Jemma you can’t feel your teeny tiny toes because you were blessed with compartment syndrome. Jemmmma, make Aliyah..
Jeff you don’t really know what Netzer is but our Reform madricha always makes us jizz. Joinnn Project 6 million… dot org!
Hey Ruthie Schnitt you really like cows but not as much as you like to empty your bowls. Admit ittt, you’re not from Canada.
Abby you can sing, you can act, you can dance. You wana live in Spain and you wana live in France. Whhhhy are you still skinny?
Tara started on Machon then moved to Etgar, you fell in love with a bunny called Teva. Tara Dina Dein. For Shabbat you’re always keen.
Jess on the first day you fed us Sardines, we all know you pooed on the bus in your jeans. Andy’s… guna miss ya!
Rebekkah Karp you’re always making merch, you drop your phone so much it hurts. Where the fuck is Colfax?
Ariel soccer is your favourite game, without you sophie’s bed wouldn’t be the same. Paassss, the fucking joint.
Becca I can’t believe you got with shmuely. You really are a bleeding liberal heart girly. Beeeccca… Rockville Maryland.
Noa you get drunk and feel really fine get your own Tnua Geeet your ham out of our fridge!
Jake you like hummus but you don’t like falafel, it always causes hummus ben sira a kerfuffle. Aiin’t no rest for the wicked.
Naomi you lost your pink guitar the other day, we’re glad it came back so now you can play. Pleaassee… wash your dildo. Play… Hashkiveinu
Tune of Hashkiveinu:
Now its time to say goodbye.
We know its sad but please try not to cry
The last four months have been alright, we guess, average at best.
You know that we’ve learnt a lot from you.
Go back and do what you northerners doooooo.
Shnat Netzer will take you far
Spent a year experiencing hagshama..
Ups and downs through the year.
Hold your memories dear.
To tell you the truth, we were all really scared.
But seeing you get through it,
We now feel prepared.
Goodbye Shnatties, we’ll miss you the most.
Our hearts will follow you from Coast to Coast.
Its great to see how you have learnt and grown.
Please don’t go home.
Please don’t go home.
Please don’t go home.
Shem ze Mekazeret
Wheelbarrow (Mekazerett): a frame or box for conveying a load, supported at one end by a wheel or wheels, and lifted and pushed at the other by two horizontal shafts.
I watched the sun move from the one side of the mismatched couch to the other as the time ticked away. In the distance I could see an old man hauling pipes off the back of a truck and laying them in the field for irrigation. He wore a dark brown cowboy hat and had sweat patches under his arms as he made his way from the field to where I sat drinking a mug full of lukewarm water. His leather-y face broke into a smile, the wrinkles already embedded in his skin deepening as he revealed his teeth, yellowed over many years. I helped him fix the water pipes and he left me to water the plants in the greenhouse. I like the greenhouse. I like the way it smells like summer rain and damp soil, I like the water from the hose pipe when it runs down my wrist and elbow, dripping on to my shoes, soaking them through. I love the sudden jump of a grasshopper as it tries to escape the droplets of water cascading from the end of the pipe. I could hear him calling me again, this time for a mid morning snack of bread and hummus, with a dash of Zatar. He left me once more to eat in peace and I used the cupit (Spoon) to smear the hummus on my bread. "Amen" we said together over the bread.
I could hear his crusty voice calling to me over the sound of my thoughts as I pulled weeds from the ground with a satisfying crunch as the roots left the earth and ended up in my bucket. He shook me a little and slapped my back, becoming to me to join him for some Nescafe in the cool office. I cleaned my nails as I drank and listened to the banter between the Mazkirah and Motie. The sweet taste made me smile and I felt like I had found my feet again.
I raked together some of the leaves that looked as though they had been left there since Jake had worked there all the way back in Winter, into three neat(ish) piles. I then put them into the Mekazeret and wheeled them to the compost pile.
Motie told me while we worked in the field, that he has put so much of his life into the Farm and he gets little to no respect for it. He loves the farm, and most of it goes to a good cause, and something about Ethiopia and he wants me to speak more Hebrew to him, and I'm really going to try. I think he needs me, just as much as I need him. He's an admirable man, with so much to give to the world and unfortunately he isn't as appreciated as he should be.
I watched the sun move from the one side of the mismatched couch to the other as the time ticked away. In the distance I could see an old man hauling pipes off the back of a truck and laying them in the field for irrigation. He wore a dark brown cowboy hat and had sweat patches under his arms as he made his way from the field to where I sat drinking a mug full of lukewarm water. His leather-y face broke into a smile, the wrinkles already embedded in his skin deepening as he revealed his teeth, yellowed over many years. I helped him fix the water pipes and he left me to water the plants in the greenhouse. I like the greenhouse. I like the way it smells like summer rain and damp soil, I like the water from the hose pipe when it runs down my wrist and elbow, dripping on to my shoes, soaking them through. I love the sudden jump of a grasshopper as it tries to escape the droplets of water cascading from the end of the pipe. I could hear him calling me again, this time for a mid morning snack of bread and hummus, with a dash of Zatar. He left me once more to eat in peace and I used the cupit (Spoon) to smear the hummus on my bread. "Amen" we said together over the bread.
I could hear his crusty voice calling to me over the sound of my thoughts as I pulled weeds from the ground with a satisfying crunch as the roots left the earth and ended up in my bucket. He shook me a little and slapped my back, becoming to me to join him for some Nescafe in the cool office. I cleaned my nails as I drank and listened to the banter between the Mazkirah and Motie. The sweet taste made me smile and I felt like I had found my feet again.
I raked together some of the leaves that looked as though they had been left there since Jake had worked there all the way back in Winter, into three neat(ish) piles. I then put them into the Mekazeret and wheeled them to the compost pile.
Motie told me while we worked in the field, that he has put so much of his life into the Farm and he gets little to no respect for it. He loves the farm, and most of it goes to a good cause, and something about Ethiopia and he wants me to speak more Hebrew to him, and I'm really going to try. I think he needs me, just as much as I need him. He's an admirable man, with so much to give to the world and unfortunately he isn't as appreciated as he should be.
A Casual Monkey Suit
Today was probably one of the worst days I've had in a long time. I felt as though I didn't belong anywhere and like I wasn't really doing anything important with my life. I pull out weeds all day, and while yeah, I'm helping out the farm, I just had a sudden rush of feeling useless. It was hot and I felt a little ill and like I juts couldn't deal with the world anymore.
I was sitting on the floor of the green house, when I thought of this, and I decided that I just needed a day to be alone, to get back into the swing of things, and to re-evaluate my life.
I walked home in the beating down sun, took a shower, in freezing cold water and then broke down in tears on my bed and fell asleep for about 6 hours.
On the walk home I had a rush of nostalgia for all the fun we had on Etgar, and I missed JAKe and Rebekkah.
I woke up to Jordy frantically packing to leave for camp.
My eyes fluttered open and closed a few times before I fully regained conciousness.
I was sitting on the floor of the green house, when I thought of this, and I decided that I just needed a day to be alone, to get back into the swing of things, and to re-evaluate my life.
I walked home in the beating down sun, took a shower, in freezing cold water and then broke down in tears on my bed and fell asleep for about 6 hours.
On the walk home I had a rush of nostalgia for all the fun we had on Etgar, and I missed JAKe and Rebekkah.
I woke up to Jordy frantically packing to leave for camp.
My eyes fluttered open and closed a few times before I fully regained conciousness.
Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll. Lol.
Friday 29 June
We ran a peulah for the kids of the shule across the road from our house. They played games and made little snakes and it was the cutest thing!
For dinner we went to lily and Jordys host family where they made us feel really welcome. They have a lot of children so they have all these cool family traditions like drinking the kiddush wine in age order and this thing where they touch their eyes, nose, mouth and hands in one of the praters. They were such a lovely family and showed us these funny youtube videos and all their family photo albums. It was so beautiful.
Saturday 30 June
We were invited to one of the daughters from the night befores' dance recital. She dances ballroom, and there is no way in words that I can describe how good she is. Lol. There probably is, but I'm tired and maybe I'll tell you some other time, but for now, just know that she has the most impeccable accuracy and precision. It made me wanna go back to doing ballroom dancing and to realise just how much I loved it and want to do it again.
We ran a peulah for the kids of the shule across the road from our house. They played games and made little snakes and it was the cutest thing!
For dinner we went to lily and Jordys host family where they made us feel really welcome. They have a lot of children so they have all these cool family traditions like drinking the kiddush wine in age order and this thing where they touch their eyes, nose, mouth and hands in one of the praters. They were such a lovely family and showed us these funny youtube videos and all their family photo albums. It was so beautiful.
Saturday 30 June
We were invited to one of the daughters from the night befores' dance recital. She dances ballroom, and there is no way in words that I can describe how good she is. Lol. There probably is, but I'm tired and maybe I'll tell you some other time, but for now, just know that she has the most impeccable accuracy and precision. It made me wanna go back to doing ballroom dancing and to realise just how much I loved it and want to do it again.
Laila Lavan- White Night
We had heard all about the awesome parties in Tel Aviv for the White Night, a night where you're not supposed to sleep but rather stay up all night partying till your heart stops.
It wasn't exactly what we had hoped for, but there were some cool things, and the atmosphere of the city was incredible.
Along the Midra'chov that is affectionately known at Rothschild there were a few things that caught my eye.
The Silent Disco, where you bring your headphones and tune into the DJ dropping some beats and have your own personal party. I thought it was cool.
A little way down there were a few people holding up signs that told you to save the date and be ready for the Love Revolution. I've seen graffiti about it all over the place, but I couldn't understand the pamphlets and the people were standing still so I couldn't ak it, but it was so AWESOME! BAH! I wanted to join in, or do something like that for Netzer.
The Beatles tribute band was fantastic. There were these four guys dressed like complete douches, as though they had walked out of the 70s playing all the best Beatles songs with a crowd of over 200 people singing along in the middle of the street.
Apart from those cool things, we found a rooftop party with all the Australians in the world, I met Jacob, Gals new friend, and we all went down to the Beach and put out toes in the water.
We got a shirut to the bus station and it turned into a party bus almost immediately, and on the train the eight tired teenagers fell asleep to Ryan's constant talking at 4am, and woke up in Haifah and crashed, face first into the mattresses scattered on the floor of the Hashy apartment.
We made pancakes for breakfast.
It wasn't exactly what we had hoped for, but there were some cool things, and the atmosphere of the city was incredible.
Along the Midra'chov that is affectionately known at Rothschild there were a few things that caught my eye.
The Silent Disco, where you bring your headphones and tune into the DJ dropping some beats and have your own personal party. I thought it was cool.
A little way down there were a few people holding up signs that told you to save the date and be ready for the Love Revolution. I've seen graffiti about it all over the place, but I couldn't understand the pamphlets and the people were standing still so I couldn't ak it, but it was so AWESOME! BAH! I wanted to join in, or do something like that for Netzer.
The Beatles tribute band was fantastic. There were these four guys dressed like complete douches, as though they had walked out of the 70s playing all the best Beatles songs with a crowd of over 200 people singing along in the middle of the street.
Apart from those cool things, we found a rooftop party with all the Australians in the world, I met Jacob, Gals new friend, and we all went down to the Beach and put out toes in the water.
We got a shirut to the bus station and it turned into a party bus almost immediately, and on the train the eight tired teenagers fell asleep to Ryan's constant talking at 4am, and woke up in Haifah and crashed, face first into the mattresses scattered on the floor of the Hashy apartment.
We made pancakes for breakfast.
Ye Olde Medieval Night
The first of our Karmi'el Theme Nights:
Shoshanna themed it Medieval so we all put on our best medieval gear, posed for a few silly photos and sat down to a dinner of Onion and Leak Soup, Pumpkin Pie and some roasted Millies (Corn on the cob). For the evenings activities we enjoyed some hot wine cider and ale drinking and a Game of Thrones Marathon. And by marathon I mean we watched a bit of the first episode.
Chofesh of death
Tuesday 19 June
I can't read bus schedules. Its the worst thing in the whole entire world, and the reason that Jackie ended up in Karmi'el on Tuesday afternoon. She came bareing gifts from Sofi including a vuvuzela, salt and vinegar Simba Chips, Mint chocolae and some Dream chocolate. The best of all though was the Heat Magazine. Lol. I love Heat.
For dinner we all went out for Pizza. OMNOMNOM.

Wednesday 20 June
Lily, Jackie and I managed to pack our bags and head off to the bus station to catch the 7 am bus to Jerusalem.
I sat huddled in a corner of the bus, right at the back, with two people that couldn't have changed my life any more than they already did. I was half asleep, my eyes flickering open and closed watching the scenery change with every blacked out moment. Trees disappeared from the landscapes only to be replaced with desert and mountains and then the buildings that I had called home for so long. I felt comforted.

For lunch I had an Ice Cafe, and missed Rebekkah.
We made our way through the dirty streets of Jerusalem to Gan Ha'atsmaut for a little picnic of chocolate and liqurish. This would be the first stop on our Hoboing around Jruz excursion.
We stopped by the Museum on the Seam and pretentiously analysed some of the pieces and pretended to be uppity and snooty, but the illusion was soon shattered by our hippie-ness in the tree outside.
For dinner we stoppped by the Supermarket at the top of King George street and picked up a few things for a stir fry. We ate about three free ice creams each and with our fingers sticky from the dripping ice lollies we set off for Mors house down the road.
We all squished into the tiny little elevator to the 3rd floor and fell out onto the floor outsidew her house in hysterics and true hobo fashion.
Dinner was a beautiful affair. Cross lewgged on the floor we all sat around a bright blue table decorated with things both proudly South African and Israelie. Our israelies spoke animatedly about politics, I was only able to pick up a few words, but every so often they translated.
Lily and I spooned on the bed that had been our home for the first three days of shant, and after giggling for a ittle while, I fell asleep.
Thursday 21 June
I awoke to the sounds of trucks ion the street below, transporting what I could only imagine to be something very important for them to be making such a noise at that time of the morning.
I hung out in the house for a few hours while Lily went off and had her own adventures in the doctors office. There was also this whole debarcle about her cell phone being stuck under her seat in the bus and all these people trying to help her get it out.
On the shirut we met a lovely woman who decided that we would be here american friends and that we knew where everything was. She kept asking annoying questions.
When we arrived in Tel Aviv, we went straight to the embassy and battled through the bag people and went to the counter and had to deal with the woman behind the counter. Up until this point everything had been going quite well, and we didn't think that it would stop. but, BAM! A huge pile of terribleness to ruin our lovely chofesh in Tel Aviv.
Our Visas were denied and sitting at the table when they told us was the worst feeling in the world. I felt like my stomach was gonna fall out my butt, and yes, that is a Mean Girls quote. But so relevant.
In the cool comfort of Jade's Mom's house, on the clean white floor of the living room/kitchen area, we had a pity party complete with English Breakfast Tean and Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Our weekend couldn't have gotten any worse if the whole world had fallen apart, and we were invaded by ... Aliens...
But Dan Rattan joined our pitty party and took our ind off things with his pointless, but undoubtedly adorable Dan-Rattan-Stories-About-Nothing and made everything fee la little less crappy.
We went out for ice cream, the second of the day, and all stood outside the ice cream shop in the cool breeze of the afternoon air. We said our awkward goodbyes and Jade, Lily and I went our separate ways and found ourselves watching the blue and orange sunset, flecked with purple clouds that shone like gems as the sun hyit them in just the right way.
We spoke about the way we want Kami'el to go, and all the new exciting ideas we could put into practice and how we work as a Cavutza and how we work as a movement.
Friday 22 June
Back to Jerusalem!
It was about 5pm before we got on yet another Monit Sherut headded for Jerusalem. With a little bit of bargaining we convinced the shirut driver to take us directly to the park at the bottom of King George street. Convenient! Woooo!
We met Micha'el by chance also lost and confused as to where we would be meeting everyone, so we took it upon ourselves to pick the spot.
The grassy clearing we had chosen for our Shabbat Picnic quickly filled up. Rina, the past Shaliach and reason that Netzer South Africa Exists, along with Jackie, tall and bouncy with her short, dark hair puilled back and held with her sunglasses, Gozlan, scarf, guitar in hand and finally Anat, quick tongue and sharp wit at the ready, all arrived. As we ate Avocado mush on challah and fished around in the semi darkness of the setting sun, we welcomed the Shabbt with songs and melodies played inbetween shouts of "Your Mom" back and forth across the circle between Gozlan and Anat.
As the melodies of songs sung so many times before, and perfected over months of practice rolled off his fingertips and onto the strings that he plucked, I watched in awe, as I normally do. His voice was scratchy from too many cigarettes and her voice high, sweet, as though an angel was singing from above. Together they sounded as beautiful as if they had been made to complete each other. The only problem was that they would never be together. Gentle plucking from a ukulele broke the harmony with sudden sounds of an odd tune, she sang like the soul of an African beat inside her and like she had finally come home to the place that she truly loved and needed. Drumming erupted from my left side and as the beat caught the rhythm that had been floating through the air I blew into the tiny little holes searching for the sound that would carry my own spirit through the music and as we all sat in the dark of the Holy City, we were one voice singing the songs that made our hearts smile and soar like the birds above us.
At Noas house the music continued to come and go as people entered and left the room thatw was so filled with peopole and personalities and all the love in the world that one person could give to another and in unison we all sang the words that make my life what it is.
"Hanach l'raglai l'lechet lama kom sheli bi' ohev. Oftach li'bi lehove et hamakom, lamakom elav raglai holchot"
Saturday 23 June
Breakfast in Jerusalem under a tree that didn't take all that long to find with Jackie and Lily made me so happy. We ate left overs from the night before and spoke animatedly about our lives as if there was no time in the world to catch everything up. We parted ways out side the old city and off to tEl aviv to catch a shirut to haifa and eventually the little town of Karmi'el.
Sunday 24 June
Bus to Akko 14sheck
Train to Tel Aviv 55 sheck
Shirut to Rehov Rothchild 6 sheck
Cupanoodles 12sheck
Avos 3sheck
Scary walk to Jades house and getting lost three times but arriving to a lovely cool house and sleeping on a cloud bed with three of my favorite friends in the whole wide world
Monday 25 June
My Backpack got stuck in the little cupboard at the Embassy and the stupid American guy was like "Well, lets just give this a little twist!" and proceeded to jiggle with the locker for about 15 minutes.
He kept making jokes about spies because I had the 007 locker and it was just a super awkward moment in my life, Gawd.
I can't read bus schedules. Its the worst thing in the whole entire world, and the reason that Jackie ended up in Karmi'el on Tuesday afternoon. She came bareing gifts from Sofi including a vuvuzela, salt and vinegar Simba Chips, Mint chocolae and some Dream chocolate. The best of all though was the Heat Magazine. Lol. I love Heat.
For dinner we all went out for Pizza. OMNOMNOM.

Wednesday 20 June
Lily, Jackie and I managed to pack our bags and head off to the bus station to catch the 7 am bus to Jerusalem.
I sat huddled in a corner of the bus, right at the back, with two people that couldn't have changed my life any more than they already did. I was half asleep, my eyes flickering open and closed watching the scenery change with every blacked out moment. Trees disappeared from the landscapes only to be replaced with desert and mountains and then the buildings that I had called home for so long. I felt comforted.

For lunch I had an Ice Cafe, and missed Rebekkah.
We made our way through the dirty streets of Jerusalem to Gan Ha'atsmaut for a little picnic of chocolate and liqurish. This would be the first stop on our Hoboing around Jruz excursion.
We stopped by the Museum on the Seam and pretentiously analysed some of the pieces and pretended to be uppity and snooty, but the illusion was soon shattered by our hippie-ness in the tree outside.

For dinner we stoppped by the Supermarket at the top of King George street and picked up a few things for a stir fry. We ate about three free ice creams each and with our fingers sticky from the dripping ice lollies we set off for Mors house down the road.
We all squished into the tiny little elevator to the 3rd floor and fell out onto the floor outsidew her house in hysterics and true hobo fashion.
Dinner was a beautiful affair. Cross lewgged on the floor we all sat around a bright blue table decorated with things both proudly South African and Israelie. Our israelies spoke animatedly about politics, I was only able to pick up a few words, but every so often they translated.
Lily and I spooned on the bed that had been our home for the first three days of shant, and after giggling for a ittle while, I fell asleep.
Thursday 21 June
I awoke to the sounds of trucks ion the street below, transporting what I could only imagine to be something very important for them to be making such a noise at that time of the morning.
I hung out in the house for a few hours while Lily went off and had her own adventures in the doctors office. There was also this whole debarcle about her cell phone being stuck under her seat in the bus and all these people trying to help her get it out.
On the shirut we met a lovely woman who decided that we would be here american friends and that we knew where everything was. She kept asking annoying questions.
When we arrived in Tel Aviv, we went straight to the embassy and battled through the bag people and went to the counter and had to deal with the woman behind the counter. Up until this point everything had been going quite well, and we didn't think that it would stop. but, BAM! A huge pile of terribleness to ruin our lovely chofesh in Tel Aviv.
Our Visas were denied and sitting at the table when they told us was the worst feeling in the world. I felt like my stomach was gonna fall out my butt, and yes, that is a Mean Girls quote. But so relevant.
In the cool comfort of Jade's Mom's house, on the clean white floor of the living room/kitchen area, we had a pity party complete with English Breakfast Tean and Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Our weekend couldn't have gotten any worse if the whole world had fallen apart, and we were invaded by ... Aliens...
But Dan Rattan joined our pitty party and took our ind off things with his pointless, but undoubtedly adorable Dan-Rattan-Stories-About-Nothing and made everything fee la little less crappy.
We went out for ice cream, the second of the day, and all stood outside the ice cream shop in the cool breeze of the afternoon air. We said our awkward goodbyes and Jade, Lily and I went our separate ways and found ourselves watching the blue and orange sunset, flecked with purple clouds that shone like gems as the sun hyit them in just the right way.
We spoke about the way we want Kami'el to go, and all the new exciting ideas we could put into practice and how we work as a Cavutza and how we work as a movement.
Friday 22 June
Back to Jerusalem!
It was about 5pm before we got on yet another Monit Sherut headded for Jerusalem. With a little bit of bargaining we convinced the shirut driver to take us directly to the park at the bottom of King George street. Convenient! Woooo!
We met Micha'el by chance also lost and confused as to where we would be meeting everyone, so we took it upon ourselves to pick the spot.
The grassy clearing we had chosen for our Shabbat Picnic quickly filled up. Rina, the past Shaliach and reason that Netzer South Africa Exists, along with Jackie, tall and bouncy with her short, dark hair puilled back and held with her sunglasses, Gozlan, scarf, guitar in hand and finally Anat, quick tongue and sharp wit at the ready, all arrived. As we ate Avocado mush on challah and fished around in the semi darkness of the setting sun, we welcomed the Shabbt with songs and melodies played inbetween shouts of "Your Mom" back and forth across the circle between Gozlan and Anat.
As the melodies of songs sung so many times before, and perfected over months of practice rolled off his fingertips and onto the strings that he plucked, I watched in awe, as I normally do. His voice was scratchy from too many cigarettes and her voice high, sweet, as though an angel was singing from above. Together they sounded as beautiful as if they had been made to complete each other. The only problem was that they would never be together. Gentle plucking from a ukulele broke the harmony with sudden sounds of an odd tune, she sang like the soul of an African beat inside her and like she had finally come home to the place that she truly loved and needed. Drumming erupted from my left side and as the beat caught the rhythm that had been floating through the air I blew into the tiny little holes searching for the sound that would carry my own spirit through the music and as we all sat in the dark of the Holy City, we were one voice singing the songs that made our hearts smile and soar like the birds above us.
At Noas house the music continued to come and go as people entered and left the room thatw was so filled with peopole and personalities and all the love in the world that one person could give to another and in unison we all sang the words that make my life what it is.
"Hanach l'raglai l'lechet lama kom sheli bi' ohev. Oftach li'bi lehove et hamakom, lamakom elav raglai holchot"
Saturday 23 June
Breakfast in Jerusalem under a tree that didn't take all that long to find with Jackie and Lily made me so happy. We ate left overs from the night before and spoke animatedly about our lives as if there was no time in the world to catch everything up. We parted ways out side the old city and off to tEl aviv to catch a shirut to haifa and eventually the little town of Karmi'el.

Sunday 24 June
Bus to Akko 14sheck
Train to Tel Aviv 55 sheck
Shirut to Rehov Rothchild 6 sheck
Cupanoodles 12sheck
Avos 3sheck
Scary walk to Jades house and getting lost three times but arriving to a lovely cool house and sleeping on a cloud bed with three of my favorite friends in the whole wide world
Monday 25 June
My Backpack got stuck in the little cupboard at the Embassy and the stupid American guy was like "Well, lets just give this a little twist!" and proceeded to jiggle with the locker for about 15 minutes.
He kept making jokes about spies because I had the 007 locker and it was just a super awkward moment in my life, Gawd.
Life with a Dash of Zatar
Saturday 16 June
We woke up bright and early for a meeting with Galit where she showed us how to use a mop, hand brush, toilet brush, tooth brush, hair brush, and told us a whole bunch of information that we all forgot as soon as she had said it.
We decorated the apartment for the rest of the day, having a nice long break for swimming before lunch. Michael joined us for our first official lunch as a kommuna in Karmiel and told us to start thinking about where we would like to have our sikkum seminar sending us all back into hysterics about missing the Northerners.
Sunday 17 June
I volunteer at a place called K'var Yeladim, wich is an Agricultural Farm that teaches children about the importance of agriculture, and is owned and run by an old man named Motie. My first experience in my new place of volunteering was something I'll never forget.
I sat in the office on the chair right in the middle of the room, people sitting all around me having what seemed to be an intense staff meeting and birthday celebration. I was drinking my coffee listening to speeches about how wonderful one of the teachers is, when I spilt my coffee everywhere. Panic. Already it was a super tense environment, I was new, I couldn't understand what was going on and now everyone was looking at me struggle with life, whereas before I had been doing so well being quiet and trying not to move.
I was dismissed and spent the rest of my morning watering plants in Green House Number Two and hanging out on the couch before, thankfully, Galit, Josh and Jade showed up to rescue me.
Sitting on the roof of the building with Lily that night, discussing life, just like we used to in Etgar, way back in the beginning of Shnat was a surreal experience. In a way I felt as though I was really there, and in some ways I didn't. Back on the flat everyone was hanging out in Shoshuahs room smoking hubbly and hangng out.
The night sky over Karmi'el is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. For as far as the eye can see, tere are lights and dark patches of mountains and you can tell where one city or town ends and where another begins.
Monday 18 June
The next day I was volunteering with Josh and Shanna. Shanna and I spent the morning pruneing and replanting geraniums and these other plants that I can never remember the name of. We took a break for lunch with Josh and Motie. Fresh pierot (vegetables) from his farm and hummus with techinah, zatar and harbeh (a lot) olive oil.
We spent the afternoon repotting herbs for the herb garden and playing a rediculous game of "Guess the thing I'm thinking of" where the thing varied from Chaim Shalom to Mark Lazar and the Pringles Man.
That night, Gal came to visit and coaxed everyone into watching this weird movie, which ofcourse, I fell asleep in.
That night we all went up to the roof and hung out listening to music and eating chocolate chip pancakes.
This all accompanied with existencial crisies about socialism and my own personla freak out about being a terrible person. Meh. Just an average day on Shnat.
We woke up bright and early for a meeting with Galit where she showed us how to use a mop, hand brush, toilet brush, tooth brush, hair brush, and told us a whole bunch of information that we all forgot as soon as she had said it.
We decorated the apartment for the rest of the day, having a nice long break for swimming before lunch. Michael joined us for our first official lunch as a kommuna in Karmiel and told us to start thinking about where we would like to have our sikkum seminar sending us all back into hysterics about missing the Northerners.
Sunday 17 June
I volunteer at a place called K'var Yeladim, wich is an Agricultural Farm that teaches children about the importance of agriculture, and is owned and run by an old man named Motie. My first experience in my new place of volunteering was something I'll never forget.
I sat in the office on the chair right in the middle of the room, people sitting all around me having what seemed to be an intense staff meeting and birthday celebration. I was drinking my coffee listening to speeches about how wonderful one of the teachers is, when I spilt my coffee everywhere. Panic. Already it was a super tense environment, I was new, I couldn't understand what was going on and now everyone was looking at me struggle with life, whereas before I had been doing so well being quiet and trying not to move.
I was dismissed and spent the rest of my morning watering plants in Green House Number Two and hanging out on the couch before, thankfully, Galit, Josh and Jade showed up to rescue me.
Sitting on the roof of the building with Lily that night, discussing life, just like we used to in Etgar, way back in the beginning of Shnat was a surreal experience. In a way I felt as though I was really there, and in some ways I didn't. Back on the flat everyone was hanging out in Shoshuahs room smoking hubbly and hangng out.
The night sky over Karmi'el is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. For as far as the eye can see, tere are lights and dark patches of mountains and you can tell where one city or town ends and where another begins.
Monday 18 June
The next day I was volunteering with Josh and Shanna. Shanna and I spent the morning pruneing and replanting geraniums and these other plants that I can never remember the name of. We took a break for lunch with Josh and Motie. Fresh pierot (vegetables) from his farm and hummus with techinah, zatar and harbeh (a lot) olive oil.
We spent the afternoon repotting herbs for the herb garden and playing a rediculous game of "Guess the thing I'm thinking of" where the thing varied from Chaim Shalom to Mark Lazar and the Pringles Man.
That night, Gal came to visit and coaxed everyone into watching this weird movie, which ofcourse, I fell asleep in.
That night we all went up to the roof and hung out listening to music and eating chocolate chip pancakes.
This all accompanied with existencial crisies about socialism and my own personla freak out about being a terrible person. Meh. Just an average day on Shnat.
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